what to get a guy that loves dogs

Dog and Dog Owner in Car

Hither Are The Superlative Ten Reasons We Love Dogs

Dog owners are, shall nosotros say, a special breed.  We share that special love of dogs and know how important they are to our lives.  But why, exactly do we love dogs and so much?  At that place are a lot of answers to this question (and unique ones for each dog!), but hither are the acme 10.

1. Loyalty

I know well plenty that there have been dogs then loving that they have thrown themselves into the same grave with the expressionless bodies of their masters; others take stayed upon their masters' graves without stirring a moment from them, and have voluntarily starved themselves to death, refusing to affect the food that was brought them.

  • Miguel de Cervantes

Dog and Dog Owner in Car

There are some that would say a dog is simply loyal so long as it is getting food and shelter. But if you have ever known a dog and seen the reaction it has when you come home or it is reunited with a young man four legged friend you know it is about more than that. There are plenty of examples of dogs showing loyalty to their owners. Some of the most famous are the dog pictured lying adjacent to the catafalque of his Navy Seal possessor, or the dog that would greet his owner at the railroad train station every solar day after he arrived dwelling house from work. Fifty-fifty later on the owner died, this dog, Hachiko, went to the station every day for the side by side 9 years waiting for the arrival of his best friend.

ii. Friendship

Thorns may injure you, men desert you, sunlight turn to fog; merely you're never friendless always, if you have a dog.

  • Douglas Mallock

Dogs take been human's all-time friends for thousands of years. They are there for us through thick and thin. They never gauge and are ever happy to run across the states render, whether we've been gone 5 hours or 5 minutes.

iii. Therapy

I accept found that when y'all are securely troubled, there are things you go from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source.

  • Doris Mean solar day

Brute-assisted therapy has been linked to the reduction of anxiety, pain, and depression in people with a range ofmental or physical wellness problems. Many people can do good from pet therapy, including patients undergoing chemotherapy, veterans with postal service-traumatic stress disorder, and physical therapy patients working on their fine motor skills. Even students tin take advantage of pet therapy that alleviates feelings of homesickness and low.

iv. Health

People who keep dogs live longer on average than those who do non. This is not some kind of pro-canine candidature fantasy. It is a uncomplicated medical fact that the calming influence of the company of a friendly pet animal reduces blood pressure level and therefore the chance of heart attack.

  • Desmond Morris

At that place are many ways that having a dog is good for our wellness. People with dogs are shown to accept less heart problems because they get regular exercise from walking their pets. Having a dog improves our mood and reduces stress which in turn means lower claret pressure. Spending simply 15-thirty minutes with your canis familiaris tin help yous feel more at-home and relaxed, reducing stress and increasing happiness. Playing with your pup increases your brain'south levels of dopamine and serotonin, both of which are neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and tranquility. Dogs even seem to be able todetect the smell of cancer in humans.

five. Unconditional Dearest

A dog is the only matter on this earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

  • Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw)

cut pet bull dog

It'southward easy to see with the wagging and happy barking when we come dwelling house that our dogs honey us. Scientists accept recently proven that dogs love usa back the same way we honey them by scanning their brains in an MRI machine. Those torso wiggles aren't just because he is excited for food (but it's probably safe to say that'south a office of it).

6. Protection

The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he tin breathe without letting go.

  • Winston Churchill

It is believed that man's first interactions with dogs (wolves at the time) resulted in a beneficial human relationship for both species. The wolves got piece of cake pickings from the scraps that people left backside after their meals and people got the benefit of having the wolves around to protect them from any other predators that may casualty on those people. In more recent times, dogs were trained by the military equally sentinel guards, protecting troops from assail. And as silent scouts, dogs would warn troops to the presence of enemies, diminishing the chances of an ambush. The troops lucky enough to have these attack dogs past their sides were most likely to survive war. From puppyhood, dogs innately larn to lookout and exist aware of anything rotten coming your way. Potential burglars are put off by a barking or watching canis familiaris in the window.

7. Selflessness

It don't intendance whether I'm expert enough. Information technology don't care whether I snore or not. It don't care which God I pray to. There are only iii things with that kind of unconditional acceptance: Dogs, donuts, and money.

  • Danny DeVito every bit Lawrence Garfield in Other People's Money

Your domestic dog never lies to you lot when he says he loves you. The more you requite of yourself, the ameliorate the connection developed betwixt the 2 of you. There is zippo better than coming abode from a very difficult solar day at work or maybe school or college and find your canis familiaris in that location waiting for you lot to back up yous.

viii. Do

Golf seems to be an arduous manner to get for a walk. I prefer to take the dogs out.

  • Princess Anne

Dogs requires daily practice, and we do to. Domestic dog owners behave the responsibleness of playing with and working their dogs, so information technology only makes sense that dog people tend to be more agile. One study institute that canis familiaris owners were 34 pct more likely to attain their recommended 150 minutes of practise per week than non-dog owners.

9. Forgiveness

My dogs forgive acrimony in me, the arrogance in me, the brute in me. They forgive everything I do before I forgive myself.

  • Guy de la Valdene

Dogs don't hold grudges. They don't hang on to what someone said years ago. When one of them plays too rough, the other dog lets them know immediately by letting out a yelp. The two dogs make up and instantly commencement playing once again.

10. Happiness

The great pleasure of a dog is that you lot may make a fool of yourself with him and not just volition he not scold y'all, merely he will brand a fool of himself likewise.

  • Samuel Butler, Higgledy-Piggledy


Source: https://www.viagenpets.com/top-ten-reasons-we-love-dogs/

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